Emerging Tech

How about Apple buys Tesla

There are a few rumours that Apple will buy Tesla. Likely 2019 is the last chance for Apple if has a wish to buy.

Apple’s market value is $1.1 trillion and now it has very few new product in its pipeline. Apple shows not much interest in fintech or turning itself into a financial company. Apple could have done so with piles of cash especially in 2008 when it had ability to swallow Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and maybe even a few more.

With Saudi Aramco aiming for a valuation of over $1.5 trillion from the planned IPO, Apple might want to find a way to defend its crown of large company on earth. I think taking over Tesla could be a best way.

Elon Musk would not give up Tesla easily. However in the capitalist world everything is for sale, the only problem is the price. I think $100B is probably enough to pay happiness to Elon and his buddy shareholders.