Book review

Well, Carney is well qualified to be next prime minister Canada

This is book review I published on on March 30, 2021.

The author opened the book describing his feeling as he walked into the Bank of England office. “Everything appears solid, safe, permanent”, but “all is not what it seems. The Empire is gone. The Union is under threat. Permanence is temporary. And value is an illusion”. Carney was one of the fire fighter central bankers during the 07/08 financial crisis. He saw the greedy financial market at the time, and more sadly, is seeing “we have moved from market economy to a market society”. He “felt the collapse in public trust in elites, globalisation and technology” and is “convinced that these challenges reflect a common crisis in values”.

Carney focused on three crisis of value(s), in economy the global financial crisis, in health the COVID-19 pandemic, and in nature, the climate change and global warming. The three crisis formed a social crisis that is distinguished by mistrust between rich and poor, government and citizen, state and nation, and between political parties … this is often exacerbated by social media platforms where sometime facts are twisted, opinions are less thoughtful, emotions are frequent, patriotism and nationalism are confused.

Carney called for leadership to be based on value(s), companies and investors to focus on creating value(s). I like the last chapter where Carney provides path how Canada and Canadian can make its contribution to lead the nation and the world to reclaim values.